Welcome to the Green Cross Academy of Traumatology, international, humanitarian assistance, non-profit corporation, established in 1997 to bring together world leaders in the study of traumatology for the purpose of establishing and maintaining professionalism and high standards in the care of trauma victims and responders throughout the world.
Green Cross provides trauma relief to first responders, community members, and healthcare professionals responding to a disaster. Your donation helps cover the logistical expenses of sending volunteer team members to help during or after a crisis.Your tax-deductible donation helps us to support those on the front lines during a disaster. You can give by credit card by following the link on your right, or by calling our office at 571-302-3486, to give your donation over the phone. Thank you for considering a gift!
Remember, Green Cross is a 501c3 organization so your donations are fully tax-deductible.
L.A. Wildfires 2025
Green Cross Academy of Traumatology (GCAT) has been activated and we are DEPLOYING members to support the victims of the LA wildfires. All active members are needed. Kindly send your availability by emailing gcatofficemanager@gmail.com. This is a 10-day shift deployment and we are also looking for those who can supervise teams. We welcome donations to support our emergency response efforts. We remain committed to supporting communities and survivors. Stay tuned for more updates.
Green Cross Academy of Traumatology is proud of the history we have with the
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation.
Green Cross grew out of a conversation many years ago by our respective founders, Dr.
Charles Figley and Dr. Jeff Mitchell. Since that time, we have collaborated, trained and
shared resources between the two organizations to the benefit of those we serve.
As each organization has grown and changed, the mutual values and commitments remain solid and will continue to provide benefits to members of each organization. The Strategic Partnership now in place will broaden the connection and ensure members of both organizations the benefit of cutting-edge training, education, resources and opportunities. Welcome to the GCAT family, ICISF. We are glad you are here.

Training & CE
Earn continuing education units and work towards your certifications in a self-paced online environment or a face-to-face classroom setting.
Join and earn certifications as a Compassion Fatigue Educator, Compassion Fatigue Practitioner, Field Traumatologist, Clinical Traumatologist and Master Traumatologist
GCAT is a proud partner of:
Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists (ATSS)
ATSS is the cutting edge in providing the highest certification levels for clinical and non-clinical professionals. It holds federally-recognized credentials in trauma treatment, trauma support services, crisis and stabilization management, safety protocols, and care coordination in aiding those exposed to natural and man-made traumatic events.
Visit their website for more information.
GCAT is a proud partner of:
American Academy of Experts in Trauma Stress (AAETS)
Visit HERE to see how you can help provide support groups for First Responders and Frontline Workers or visit aaets.org for more information.
For a list of support groups please visit:
"Strength does not come from physical capacity, it comes from an indomitable will."
- Mahatma Gandhi